Obligatory Preamble and Disclaimer For the Record

For the record, and for those who cannot think rationally and logically for themselves, but prefer to live in an authoritarian world where everything is decided for them, these bits of background information before you go insane at the contents of InfidelNotions.com.

1. The Infidel is NOT anti-vaccine.

The Infidel is simply pro-truth. And always remember what someone much wiser than The Infidel once said: the truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable. And as Jack Nicholson said, “You can’t handle the truth!” The Infidel received many vaccinations eons ago when just a budding young pre-Infidel first entering government indoctrination camp, uh, school, and then several more upon joining the U.S. Air Force many years ago, and then even more upon being deployed to Southeast Asia. The Infidel is still alive after all that. YOU make your OWN decision in consultation with YOUR doctor, not anyone else, and certainly not any government bureaucrat. The Infidel would be opposed to government-mandated compulsory medical “care” of any kind. It is curiously amazing that the segment of the political spectrum that is much more inclined to be in favor of the “right” to euthanasia and abortion, is also the segment that is so insistent on forcing everyone to take a shot because they claim it will save your life and/or the lives of others around you. Which is it, are they in favor of death or life?

2. The Infidel has ALWAYS been a registered Independent.

The Infidel has been registered as an Independent since the first time he ever registered to vote. The Infidel has never registered as a Republican or a Democrat or a Libertarian or a Communist, and never will. On your voter ID card, it’s listed as “NPA” (No Party Affiliation). Though both major parties are full of bloviating thieving hypocrites (otherwise known as politicians), careful statistical analysis shows a slight excess of the lying self-serving hypocrites riding the donkey rather than the elephant. Do your own statistical analysis—your mileage may vary. Start your own website, and publish your own infidel notions.